Friday, June 19, 2009

Let Me Hold You Longer

This beautiful book by Karen Kingsbury is just what I needed to read tonight. Both of my dear children are out of the house right now: one is on a double date; the other is at work. But very soon they'll both be home with their best girl-friend, D, for a sleep-over. I jokingly call D, my third daughter. When my three very dear young ladies return tonight, I want to be sure to share this extra-special book with them. Check it out. Then curl up and read "Let Me Hold You Longer" with the little person(s) you most like to hold.

God bless you!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Medieval Technical Support

I knew there had to be someone who helped them out -- back then -- when they encountered informational technical difficulties, I just didn't know their IT support was so responsive, thorough and friendly as ours is today. ☺