Thursday, December 16, 2010

Red Cross Bans Christmas To Please Islamofascists

Here we go again.

Banning Christmas because "it might offend someone".

Anything Christian is supposed to "potentially offend someone", apparently.  Idiots are always banning Christian stuff "because it might offend someone".

Funny how nothing that isn't Christian ever gets banned "because it might offend someone".

Like, yelling "Allahu Akhbar" or "Islam will dominate the world" or "Freedom go to hell" doesn't get banned even though a lot of folks are clearly offended by people walking around hollering such hateful horseshit.

And the gay parades... they don't get banned even though they offend lots of folks.

"The Family Guy", that outrageously offensive and disgusting cartoon, doesn't get banned.  Of course, they never offend Muslims or gays, so they can get away with every other offensive thing, especially offending Christians.

Why do Christians always get picked on?  Why do "progressives" and "liberals" hate Christians so much?

I'm still waiting for the Islamofascists to demand that gay parades be banned.  What's stopping them from making this demand?  What, do Islamofascists hate Christians more than they hate gays?  What's up with these inexplicable realities?

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