Saturday, August 13, 2011

Alabama's Volunteer School Systems

     If you have children in Alabama Public Schools, chances you are already sending toilet paper to school with them because the constantly cut budgets don't allow enough money to buy any.
    The picture below is of Bear Elementary, where some parents and Alabama Power volunteers cleaned up the grounds to get them ready for the kids return on Monday. They certainly didn't have the resources or time to repaint the very bare wood on the window frames of the 1959 building.

     Here's what retiring State School Superintendent Joe Morton said about the state of Alabama's schools as he prepared to leave:

"If we cut the programs that got us from 48th up to 25th, we will wake up back in 48th," Morton said. "The economy of this state depends on education rankings going up, not down."

     Achievement is the bottom line for educational success, but isn't providing enough tax money to maintain the buildings and supply toilet paper part of it too?

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